Spring Equinox 2019 marks the start of a season of change. We look at some interesting Spring facts and suggest some changes of your own to make over the next few months.

Fun facts about Spring
Spring has officially arrived!
The Spring Equinox is also known as the Vernal Equinox, which marks the astronomical start of Spring. This is when the sun passes north though the Earth’s equator. During that time, the length of day and night will be the same. The name Equinox comes from the Latin word 'aequus' (meaning 'equal') and 'nox' (meaning 'night').
Today marks the start of long days and shorter nights! There’s more daylight during spring because the earth’s axis tilts toward the sun during this time of the year. This means that the sun rises earlier in the morning and sets later in the afternoon. The Spring Equinox will take place at 9:56 pm which is four hours before the final supermoon of the year! The third and final supermoon of the year will take place at 1:43 am on Thursday 21st March.
Spring is known to be the season of growth and change. It is a time for the rebirth of vegetation and plants as well as a marked increase in activity of fauna. During wintertime, the growth of vegetation is halted, and many species even die out as a result of the change in temperature. This often leads to animals reaching a standstill and hibernating.
Therefore, I like to think of Spring as the season of growth! Leaves are starting to grow, and animals that have be hibernating during the winter are now coming back to life.
Spring is all about change. What changes will you be making this season?
1. Come out of hibernation and make the most of those extra hours of daylight!
The longer days of Spring means that there’s more time for visiting parks or playing in the backyard. Take some time out and do something nice for yourself. This season tends to be jam-packed with examinations, deadlines and many demanding events which can be overwhelming. Therefore, it is important for you to de-stress and make use of the extra hours we get during the day to relax. Keep your camera handy and capture those moments to enjoy the outdoors and great weather.
2. How to put a spring in your step
Make a list of goals you would like to achieve this season or even this year! You should also make a list of the reasons you want to accomplish those goals. In a busy and distracting world, it is easy to lose track of your goals and get blown off course. Therefore, it is important to be able to remind yourself of your goals to help stay focused. Studies shows that we engage the brain more actively by writing things down, as it allows us to retain more information. Maybe it’s time for you to sit down and start writing your goals for this season!
3. Have a strategy but be prepared to change course.
It is important for you to enjoy the journey and trust the process. Regardless of what your goal is, you should understand that everyone is different. Despite many people having the same outcome, it is important for you to understand that the journey will be different for everyone. You may be faced with obstacles and challenges; however, you should not allow them to hinder your success. Let Winston S. Churchill inspire you in this department:
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts”.
And some wise words from Thomas Edison:
"The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time”.
Think of your journey as the transition to Spring — the season of growth. The build up to Spring was not the best, as we were faced with freezing temperatures and unpleasant weather. However, the results tend to be beautiful as we will receive lovely spring flowers such as dandelions, lilies, tulips, iris and lilacs. Regardless of how and when you start your journey, remember that the process might not be the smoothest or the easiest, but the results will always be worth it!

Blog Post Crafted by Linda
Linda helps to run our Admin Team. She graduated from the University of Leicester with a degree in Management and Economics. She enjoys taking time to learn and develop her skills, and is currently teaching herself French. Linda is passionate about travelling and has visited Dubai, New York, Texas, Orlando, Morocco and Paris. Her next stop is Amsterdam. Linda also enjoys cooking and is known to always look for new recipes to make or foods to try. She is well known for having the Food Network or Come Dine With Me running in her house — you can never have too many ideas.